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Millisecond Inquisit 3.0.2 €10 buy download
Inquisit is the tool of choice for behavioral scientists throughout the world
for creating rich surveys, reaction time tasks, signal detection measures,
attitude tests, and experiments in cognition, perception, and memory. Now in
use in over 400 research institutions across 5 continents.

Inquist 3 introduces a whole new level or power and flexibility while
remaining as easy as ever to use. Create rich surveys with skip logic, input
validation, and a large selection of question types. Easily program dynamic
and adaptive tests that use sophisticated branching algorithms and user
-defined stimulus sets. Track performance with Inquisit's built-in statistics,
or define your own custom metrics.

With Inquisit 3 Web Edition, leverage all of the power and precision of
Inquisit 3 over the web. With just a few mouse clicks, you can administer
Inquisit experiments over your LAN or the Internet. Do mass testing without
all the cumbersome installation and registration procedures.

A Complete Survey Package.

Inquisit now allows you to create rich questionnaires and surveys:

Display multiple questions per page.

Allow users to navigate back and forward across pages, or enforce forward only

Choose from an array of user interface options for multiple choice questions
with mutually inclusive or exclusive options, as well as an "other" option
with free text entry,

Text entry with rich validation rules covering almost any input format. Use
built-in validation rules for common data such as dates, phone numbers, zip
codes, email addresses, or build custom validation rules using regular

Gather ratings along continuous scales (aka Visual Analogue Scales) in which
responses are made by moving a slider back and forth or up and down along a

Conditionally add or skip pages based on prior responses, elapsed time, random
selection, and a wide variety of other variables.

Incorporate sequences of stimuli into a survey, including including text,
pictures, video, sound, and port signals.

Run surveys standalone or seamlessly integrated with performance measures.

Record your data in ready-to-analyze tab delimited format, with each
respondent saved to a separate line, or record survey data using the same file
and format as that of performance trials.

Customize the style and layout of survey screens and particular questions.

Enhanced Programmability.

Inquisit 3 introduces a simple and natural expression syntax that adds a whole
new dimension of programmability.

Easily create dynamic tasks that adapt based on a wide range of variables,
including sophisticated performance metrics, elapsed time, trial counts,
randomly selected values, and more.

Use Inquisit's built in statistics to track performance or define your own
custom metrics. Present these metrics on the screen, or use them to direct the
flow of an experiment.

Design adaptive tasks with sophisticated skip, repeat, and branching

Create stimulus sets based on user responses and performance metrics. Allow
participants to select from arrays of stimuli presented on the screen.
Continually add and change stimulus items throughout the course of an

Define custom variables and update their values at the beginning or end of
trials, blocks, or the experiment.

Leverage Inquisit's numerous built-in mathematical, logical, trigonometric,
and statistical functions and constants.

Write expressions using arithmetic operations, value comparisons (greater
than, less than, equal or not equal), logical operations (e.g., and, or,
not), function calls, and if-then-else logic.

Other New Features.

Random assignment to between-subject conditions.

Non-numeric subject id's.

Run experiments in windowed mode as well as fullscreen.

Improved graphics performance on Vista.

Track respondents by IP or MAC Address.

Improved visual feedback for participants as Inquisit Web Edition downloads
and initializes


Download File Size:3.72 MB

Millisecond Inquisit 3.0.2
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